Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


Seven Angels waterfall located in the Village Keseneng, Sumowono, Semarang regency.From Market Bandungan kept going in the direction Sumowono Market. Of this market, take the road towards Limbangan, Boja. After passing the Army barracks in Bantir, take the first fork to the left, and follow the signposts the way.

Seven Angels waterfall consists of several small waterfall, which formed three levels, with abowl-shaped pool at each level. Surrounding environment is still a lush mountains, and theexpanse of terracing rice fields are beautiful and green.

Development of the tourist area of ​​the Seven Angels waterfall was conductedindependently by Keseneng Village and surrounding communitiesWhen we visited there,being conducted with the street paving stones made ​​by the residentsBy utilizing river rockcarried around the waterfall.


Bandungan mountain is a tourist attraction located in District BandunganSemarangregencyThese attractions can be reached by vehicle for 1 hour to the south of Semarang, or about 20 minutes from Ungaranor about 15 minutes from Ambarawa through mountain trailsBandungan has a cool and fresh air so that there are so many hotels and motelsAsthe famous tourism objects Gedongsongo TempleIn Bandungan there are manyinteresting attractions such as the area Sidomuktithere were a challenging arenaoutbound and beautiful sceneryResidential complex located in Hollywood there is also aspa area susan. The origins of the name Bandungan

Narrated from Couples K. Sanggem who obtained DI to look on the slopes of MountUngaran wellsie wells where the water flows like a river so that she can have children.After the well was found and he had many children, then he gets wangsit again to close the(stem) the well so as not to cause havoc to the village below itwith consequences in thevillage there will be no water springs and the well was finally closed with a gongThe village was finally in the know with Bandungan (dam). Kyai Sanggem tomb is behind theDistrict Office Bandungan.?
The most sought after tourist

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