Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi To name a mountain in West Sumatra with a similar name, see Mount Marapi.MerapiAltitude of 2968 m (9737 ft)Thousand list, Volcano Type AlocationLocation Klaten, Boyolali, Magelang (Central Java), Sleman (Yogyakarta)Coordinates 7 ° 32'30 "latitude 110 ° 26'30" EastgeologyType stratovolcanoThe last eruption 2010Merapi (peak height of 2968 m above sea level, as of 2006) is a volcano in the central partof Java Island and is one of the most...

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


BAKPIA bakpia is a typical food Jogja is famous for its delicious taste and steady Gurin with thetaste by which berfariasi bakpia is often in rush to d made ​​by - by kahs Jogja. Green Beans recipe Bakpia Bak pia pia green beans or green beans and never would have known or even frequent thisfavorite memakannya.Pia my brother who became Mrs. midwife, usually disishkan.Kalaufirst cakes are sold in packaged form, the...

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


KELEPON This is Ondeh Ondeh with Sweet Potatoes, a popular tea-time snack in Malaysia. There are two varieties of this snack. One made completely with glutinous rice, which I had posted earlier and you can find the recipe here. Whilst the other recipe is made with a mixture of sweet potatoes and glutinous rice flour, which is what I am posting here today. In any case, if you plan to make this delicious snack, do adjust the flour according to the sweet potatoes’ texture. Some tubers’ might have very soft or fibrous flesh. Add more flour if it’s too soft, of course. Just remember that the dough is supposed to be very soft and slightly sticky....


ONDE - ONDE Onde-onde is a kind of cake snacks are popular in Indonesia. This cake is so famous in the Mojokerto area known as the city of from the time of Majapahit. Onde-onde can be found in traditional markets and sold on street vendors. Onde-onde are also popular, especially in Chinatown in both Indonesia and abroad. Onde-onde made ​​of glutinous rice flour or fried or boiled and the surface is paved / covered with sesame seeds. There are various variations, the best known are made ​​of glutinous rice flour and green bean paste filled therein. Another variation is only made ​​from wheat flour on its surface and are colored like white,...

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