Jumat, 02 Desember 2011



gudeg from yogyakarta
My good friend & a very pregnant neighbour, fanny, has been craving for this food for quite some time and I have promised to make it for her since few months ago.
I finally made it, just for her, for our thanksgiving dinner this past Thursday. 
Although I made Gudeg only two times, they always turned out very good. So, I think every amateur cook like me can pull out this recipe 
On both occasions I used the recipe from YOGYAKARTA.
This food is easy to make although a bit time consuming. But it's definitely worth the time and effort.

- 1 Kg nangka muda / green Jack fruit
- 4 sachet teh / black tea
- 8-10 daun salam / bay leaves   
 - 3 cup santan / Coconut milk
- 2 sdm garam / salt- gula merah sesuai selera / palm sugar, as needed
12 btr telur rebus utuh (kupas kulitnya kalau ingin bumbunya lebih meresap) / agg
- 12 bawang merah / Shallots

- 12 bawang putih /
- 10 kemiri / Candle nuts

- 8 bw putih / Garlic cloves
- 1sdm ketumbar / tbs Coriander seeds- 2 inches lengkuas / bruised Galanggal- 1sdt terasi / tsp shrimp paste

1. Nangka direbus dengan air dan diberi 3 sachet teh.
    Boil jackfruit until tender along with 3 sachet of tea.2. Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan ngangka rebus, daun salam, santan dan air.
    Sautee shallots, galangal, shrimp paste, grind candle nuts, coriander and garlic until fragrant, then add in the jackfruit, bay leaves, and water. 3. Tambahkan santan dan masak hinggak air meresap habis.
    Add coconut milk and let it cooked until all liquid absorbed. 

2 komentar:

novitarindiani.blogspot.com mengatakan...

he does gudeg delicious I so wanted to try.
ST3 Telkom

novitarindiani.blogspot.com mengatakan...

he does gudeg delicious I so wanted to try.
ST3 Telkom

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