Green Beans recipe Bakpia
Bak pia pia green beans or green beans and never would have known or even frequent thisfavorite memakannya.Pia my brother who became Mrs. midwife, usually disishkan.Kalaufirst cakes are sold in packaged form, the contents of about five or ten biji.Tapi now widely sold grains, seeds of 500 Rupiah, placed ditoples gitu.Nah pingin try to make your own ifthis recipe:
250gr of flour
75ml vegetable oil
150ml water
 ½ teaspoon salt
flour 250gr
150ml vegetable oil
1butir yolk beaten off
100ml vegetable oil
500gr peeled green beans, steamed
500gr sugar
Vanilla powder  ½ teaspoon
1.Campur together flour, salt, oil, and water, then knead until rata.Sisihkan (dough A)
2.Campur together flour and oil until rata.Sisihkan (dough B)
3.Gilas mesing respective A and B until the dough thin, cut into 2 to adonanBbagian.Letakan part B above batter A batter, fold and roll up tipis.Letak remaining batteron top and then roll back W himgga tipis.Potong dough weighing 50gr.
4.ISI: Heat oil, add green beans, sugar, and stir until smooth vanili.Aduk-and rata.Angkatand chill.
5.Tipiskan each piece of dough, fill with green beans and round until rapi.Letakan on a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine and egg yolkpermukaannya.Panggang polish in the oven with a temperature of 180 C during 30mntuntil golden yellow.
For the contents can be filled with chocolates, jam or whatever to taste us, just being solddiwarung shops or general stores the contents of green beans. Though filled with chocolates are also tasty.
2 komentar:
bakpia delicious very tasty especially in Yogyakarta.
ST3 Telkom
bakpia delicious very tasty especially in Yogyakarta.
ST3 Telkom
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